Why Is Gambling So Popular Among Cypriot Women?
Cyrpus is a country famed for its love of gambling. And like many countries, there’s an appreciation for all forms of gambling, which includes sports betting and casino gaming. It’s often the case with reports on countries and gambling that the focus is on the men in the country who partake, but gambling happens to be incredibly popular with women in Cyprus too.
According to the research conducted on behalf of the National Betting Authority (EAS) by the University of Nicosia, it’s believed that nine out of ten women have engaged in some form of gambling at least once in their life. And this can include all sorts of gambling activities, such as placing bets on the football or enjoying the latest slots games online. When you think about it, it makes sense that the majority of women have gambled at least once, but what’s intriguing is why it remains a popular pastime for many.
Again, referring to the research conducted, the two primary reasons why gambling is so popular with Cypriot women are having fun and monetary gain. In most instances, you do naturally expect people to gamble because they want to win money. That’s a given. However, all is not as it seems where the women of Cyprus are concerned because while it is a significant reason, the results of the research conclude that 56% gamble because they want to have fun.
You can sort of understand why playing to have a good time is the ultimate reason for Cypriot females to gamble, especially when you look at how popular online casinos have become. At online casinos, you can find an array of fun games, such as video slots, as mentioned above, as well as other content like bingo, which is becoming increasingly popular at online gaming platforms nowadays.
Exploring the findings further, most Cypriot women not only like shopping! They also opt to gamble with friends, which you can see fitting with playing games such as bingo, or potentially gambling socially. And, as you will expect, others wager with their partner and loved ones. So, you can see that it's potentially the social element coming into play that drives the fun factor, with it highly likely this is why the 56% suggest they do gamble primarily to have a good time, which, as everyone knows, is more achievable alongside others.
The final interesting take home suggests that most Cypriot ladies who have gambled or do gamble have a preference for games of chance. This, by and large, won’t be too surprising because most casino games and forms of gambling are based on luck alone. But what’s intriguing is that the go-to for a lot are scratchcards and lottery tickets. Scratchcards offer that instant win appeal, whereas, with lotteries of any kind, you’re often waiting in anticipation to see if you’re a winner or not. So, you could suggest the favoured games are two opposites or that the women of Cyprus have all bases covered.
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